
Clara International Aesthetic College- 30 September 2009

Clara was spectacular, the students were mainly female and the attendance was about 30 students. As presenters we really enjoyed it cause the students were very proactive. Thanks for your participation and we look forward to visit you again in future.


Rahim Kajai Residential College, UKM - 14 September 2009

The workshop was conducted at night in front of a crowd of 30 students. In this workshop a condom demo was carried out and to some of the students it was their first time to get knowledge on how to use it. The crowd was impressive indeed. In the end they got to sing a happy birthday song to one of the presenter (Rowena). We would like to thank all the participants.

Aminuddin Baki Residential College, UKM - 2 September 2009

The workshop was conducted by one old intern(Katka) and three new ones (Arthur, Rowena, Marta) . The audience were mainly university students about 40 of them. There was a positive response on their side as they kept asking questions on HIV/AIDS issues. it was a great workshop and everyone enjoyed it.

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