
Workshop at Assunta Hospital - 27th of July 2009

Last monday another workshop in Assunta Hospital was scheduled. Again we had the honour to tell around 25 nurses about the causes and dangers of HIV/AIDS, and of course the preventions that can be taken. We were friendly welcomed and around 10a.m. the workshop started. For some of the Red Agents that conducted the workshops - Mattias, Aiza, Mimi and I- it was the first time to educate others about HIV/AIDS so we were really excited! The workshop went smoothly and we really enjoyed it. We hope that all the nurses had the same feeling about it and that we shared with them something to remember. We also learned a lot from them!

Unfortunately, after the workshop had succesfully ended, our hospital adventure was not yet over, since Mattias was not feeling well and had to be examined by a doctor. He turned out to be dehydrated and pretty ill, so it was necessary for him to stay some nights over in the hospital, surrounded by the lovely nurses;) We hope Mattias gets well soon and 'enjoys' his stay in the hospital!

Check out the slideshow below!

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